🎉 Introverted Writers 🎉

Ready to upgrade to screenwriting without crumpling pages or feeling defeated?


The first and only coaching membership for introverted writers who want to succeed in screenwriting.



You’re SO tired of feeling like screenwriting is for other people, feeling defeated and incapable, scrambling for screenwriting advice online and STILL seeing yourself give up after writing just a few pages.

You tried asking your friends to read your work, but all you got was unhelpful feedback that made you question your abilities as a writer.

So then you joined a screenwriting group on Facebook, but it left you feeling devastated when all you got were harsh criticisms from shock-value writers who didn’t seem to understand the depth of your story.

So you thought maybe you should just go about writing on your own, but you felt stuck, self-conscious, and completely overwhelmed because you just don’t know if what you’re writing is any good.

OMG, is writing supposed to be this hard?

When is all this effort going to actually turn into a completed screenplay that I truly feel good about?

Having soaring self-confidence about your writing, safe in the knowledge that you’ve got the tools to write compelling, professional screenplays.

Feeling incredibly supported by fellow Soulful Screenwriters as you video chat with new friends, sharing your story ideas because you’ve finally got the confidence and community you’ve always needed.

Flipping through the pages of your freshly completed screenplay with a smile on your face this morning because you got to write “Fade Out” and unquestioningly know that what you’ve written is solid gold.


Are you excited yet?

"Sounds too good to be true."

Keep reading. Let me show you exactly how we’re going to get there.

I'm Kira Trinity - coach, screenwriter, and introvert.

I've completed over a dozen feature screenplays that have stirred readers because they're authentic and vulnerable, and I want the same for you!

I have a background in filmmaking and the arts, two Bachelor degrees in Cinema and Psychology, a certificate in professional screenwriting from UCLA, and over 20 years experience working in the mental health and neurodiversity fields.

I know what it's like to be a passionate storyteller that doesn't have the desire to shout over others to get myself heard. I grew an audience through being authentic and using my personal experiences as vulnerably as I could.

Back in 2010, I wrote impulsively, without structure, and with no belief in myself as a writer.

I'd tried reading some screenwriting books, reading a few blogs, and asking other beginning writers for advice, but everything left me feeling even more confused and defeated than before.

It seemed like no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't get to the point of feeling like I was any good at screenwriting.

But that's when it hit me.

I needed to try something new, something different, an approach that didn't tell me that I already had to be Steven Spielberg to write a great screenplay, and instead allowed me to dig deeper to find the stories that I absolutely had to tell.

I tested out my idea. And that's when I finally started to see the results I'd been looking for…

I started to believe in myself as a writer.

I started sharing my work and getting really positive feedback.

I started grasping how to organize my screenwriting process.

And the best thing about it all?

I discovered that once my mindset and process were aligned, my screenplays really did start to "write themselves".

I also began working with other writers, helping them shape and improve their writing as well as their confidence:

"Kira's passion for the craft is also readily apparent as she can name script/film comparisons at the drop of a hat. You will be lucky to go on a screenwriting journey with her!"

-Turner Manley

"The feedback Kira provided on a week-to-week basis was kind, thoughtful, and constructive. She was able to identify areas of improvement for my own script with regards to clarifying my characters’ arcs and motivations."

-Roann Enriquez

"Kira's knowledge and enthusiasm for the craft of screenwriting will certainly improve your writing skills. I highly recommend that anyone who is interested in screenwriting consider Kira’s coaching sessions."

-Sandra Nixon

"Kira offers constructive and valuable criticism on the work written. She is a kind and thoughtful person who is a pleasure to spend time with."

-Steve Schofield

A message for you from Cooper Chow, an amazing actor I had the pleasure of working with:

So, using everything I had learned and the valuable feedback from other writers on what is most helpful to them, I developed something truly groundbreaking that I am super excited to be able to share with you.

Drumroll, please...


The first and only screenwriting coaching program that helps introverted writers to become professional & confident screenwriters in as little as 30 days.

Inside the program, you get all of this...

But that's not all!

As well as all 9 core lessons, you’ll also get…

  • Access to a supportive and kind Facebook community so that you can share your progress with other like-minded writers and make progress together.
  • Invitation to popup LIVE Coaching Events only available to Beta Members so that you can get answers to your burning questions and strengthen your sense of a writer's community.
  • Receive personal feedback from me 5 days a week so you have clarity and you’re never stuck not knowing what to do.

Here is everything you get inside the membership:

  • All 9 Video Lessons ($197) - first 3 modules ready now!

Available Now:

  • Rock Your Roots Story Designer ($47)
  • Quick Start Screenwriting Guide ($27)
  • Unforgettable Characters Guidebook ($47)
  • The Ultimate Screenwriting Software Guide ($17)
  • Popup LIVE Coaching Events only available to Beta Members ($97/month)
  • Private Facebook Group with Personal Feedback Monday-Friday ($97/month)

Available in July 2023:

  • We’re Not in Kansas Anymore Brainstorming Toolkit ($47)
  • Loglines, Outlines, and Beat Sheets Templates ($47)
  • Effective Action & Dialogue Skillsbook ($47)
  • Deep Dive Authenticity Journal Pre-Work ($47)

Available in August 2023:

  • Screenwriting Success Scheduler ($27)
  • Learn from the Masters Workshops ($97 each, new ones monthly)
  • The GEMS Method Toolkit ($47)
  • Mindfulness for Creators Toolkit ($47)
  • Answer the Call Toolkit ($47)

TOTAL VALUE: $982/month

TODAY'S PRICE: only $7/month

What if I don't like the program?

No problem! We have a 7-day money-back guarantee, no questions asked.

Just email us at info@soulfulscreenwriters.com and we will refund your purchase.

Some of the doubts our members had before they joined:

Problem #1

"What if people don't like my story?"

You worry that your story isn't flashy enough for blockbuster audiences, and that even your friends might laugh at you if you shared it with them.

Problem #2

"Screenwriting format is so complicated!"

You are overwhelmed by screenwriting format, how much detail to add, and if your writing is compelling enough.

Problem #3

"I can never finish my writing."

You struggle with running out of steam and giving up. You question whether the choices you're making in your story make any sense.

Solution #1

We will build your confidence by uncovering the power of your unique voice, connecting you with the importance of why you absolutely need to write this story, and drawing on the support of community members to help lift you up on your journey.

Solution #2

We will clear a path to grasping exactly how to use screenwriting format to tell your story in a beautiful and compelling way. From utilizing syntax to structure to character design, you will find confidence in your ability to tell a visual story.

Solution #3

We will help you stay organized and accountable so that you get through your first draft without giving up. We will be there to support you through our Facebook Group where you can receive thoughtful and kind feedback.

Have questions? Here's what people asked before enrolling:

I've never written a screenplay, but I'm a writer (novelist/technical/journalist/fan fiction/etc.). Will this still work for me?

Absolutely! This program is designed for any type of writer that wants to jump into screenwriting. The program works by focusing on story and converting it to screenplay format.

I've been a screenwriter for a while. Will I still find value?

Experienced screenwriters will find value in the supportive and kind community we have built, knowing that everyone here has your back. The program is also chock full of incredible workbooks and templates that will improve any writer's process, no matter how experienced you are.

Can I wait and join the Soulful Screenwriters Network later?

Of course! But consider this. You've found your way here because you have a really important story to tell, and you know you just HAVE to get it down on paper, so why wait? I can also guarantee you that this introductory membership price will not last. We are growing as a community, and things are bound to expand. There's no time like the present to get it going!

What support is included in the Soulful Screenwriters Network?

There are 9 core lessons filled with downloadable content and step-by-step videos. Weekly LIVE table reads allow you to share your progress with other Soulful Screenwriters and get kind and thoughtful feedback. There are also LIVE coworking sessions as well as feedback threads where you get to ask me any questions you have about your progress!

Does this only work for experienced, published writers?

The Soulful Screenwriters Network is for EVERY type of writer, regardless of their experience level. The program has a step-by-step foundation, as well as ongoing support that is invaluable in staying motivated and committed to your writing.

I'm worried I won't have enough time in my schedule for the Soulful Screenwriters Network. What's the time commitment?

You can make substantial progress with this program with just one hour a week. If you'd like to finish your screenplay within 45 days, we recommend setting aside 3-4 hours per week. However, the program is designed to be flexible and to be completed at your own pace. Our support network (coworking, table reads, Facebook group) is here on a regular schedule every week so that you can jump in whenever you're ready.

What if I buy but then decide the Soulful Screenwriters Network is not for me?

Our 90-Day No-Questions-Asked Money Back Guarantee protects your purchase. Simply email info@soulfulscreenwriter.com and we will issue you your refund.

Is there a money-back guarantee?

Our 90-Day No-Questions-Asked Money Back Guarantee protects your purchase. Simply email info@soulfulscreenwriter.com and we will issue you your refund.

What happens after I buy? When and how will I get access to the Soulful Screenwriters Network?

You will receive immediate access to all pre-recorded content in your Soulful Screenwriters Network Portal. There you can get started with core lessons, downloadable content, and bonuses at your own pace. Once you've requested access to the Facebook group, we will let you in within 24 hours M-F (though usually it's much faster). There you will get access to Zoom links for Coworking and Table Read sessions, as well as a lively and supportive network of writers there to cheer you on!

I'm not great at technology. Will I still be able to use this program?

Our program is user-friendly, accessible, and made to be easy to understand for members who have any level of tech experience. If there is something that you're having trouble with, you can always tag us in the Facebook group or email us at info@soulfulscreenwriters.com and we will be glad to help you.

Is this like other screenwriting programs where harsh criticism is accepted as the "right" way to "toughen" someone for the industry?

Not at all. Before you can take on a beast like the entertainment industry, you have to first believe fully in yourself. And not in a "I spent 5 minutes thinking about it and now I believe in myself" kind of way. It's deep work than many of us take a long time to do, and that's perfectly okay. The Soulful Screenwriters Network is a *safe space* where you can be truly vulnerable, truly authentic, and truly supported. "Treat each other's hearts with great care and kindness" is one of our core agreements.

Will this program help me sell my screenplay?

While this program is meant to result in you writing an incredible screenplay which *might* lead to sales contracts in the future, it is not the scope of the program to guarantee that you will sell your work. There is a delicious bonus where you get to learn and practice pitching your story, so that when you are ready to reach out to producers and agents that you're ready with the clarity of voice and story you need to be as successful as you can be!

I've never written anything before, is this program for me?

Yes! Writing is all about storytelling, so even if you've never written anything, we will all start in the same place - with crafting a compelling story. Everything you need to know about screenwriting you will learn in a step-by-step process, and have many opportunities to ask questions and get feedback along the way!

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